Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why I'm Telling My Story

The purpose of this blog originally, was to spout off about how much my ex-spouse drives me nuts. Then I came up with the idea to quit one of my nasty habits and blog about the experience. But after dealing with my ex over the course of this weekend, I realize my story with my them is far more fascinating and worth telling. Besides, I might as well hang on to my habits while I tell this story. It may enhance the details and in-turn make better readership for anyone interested. My story isn't very different from others, and I don't expect my story to be unique, it's just my story. If you can identify with the story I share, all the best to you.

I really hate my ex-spouse. They make it easy to do. They drive me absolutely nuts throughout the years and I'm amazed to think I spent the better part of half a lifetime with them. Other than the bizarre history in a relationship I share with this person, we also share children together. The worst of all ties you can have with someone you truly despise. Money, wealth, business, and emotions are all dispensable over time. Children unfortunately are not. As much as I would like to think I don't ever want to see or speak to this human being again, our children will always bring us together. Marriage and children will always equal a life sentence, no matter how you handle your relationship. Be careful about your relationships. Some things in life are irreversible and regrettable for the rest of your breathing days. I say this from experience.

I hope for your-sake, your experience isn't any worse than my story. I know there are far worse situations out there. If so, perhaps my story will be a blessing to you somehow. Otherwise, stay tuned. . . more to share.